#1 AI Content Detector & Checker

DetectorBot instantly detects AI-generated content from ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini.

To analyze text, paste or type at least 80 words here...
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To analyze text, add at least 80 words and click analyze

The Most Trusted AI Content Detector

Our free AI text detector excels at identifying content from all major AI models including ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. Whether you need to check for AI plagiarism or detect AI writing, our advanced algorithms can identify AI-generated content even after it's been edited or refined - and it's free!

100% Free AI Checker

Check any text for AI content at no cost


Analyze essays, blogs & any other text


Know exactly which text appears AI-generated


Receive your report in seconds

How to Check if Text is AI Generated

Detect AI writing in three simple steps with our free AI content checker

1. Paste your text

Simply paste or upload your text into DetectorBot. We support multiple languages and can analyze texts of any length over 80 words.

  • Supports English only
  • Minimum 80 words required
  • Handles formatted text & documents

2. Analyze content

Click the Analyze button and our advanced AI model will scan your text using our proprietary detection algorithm.

  • Instant analysis in seconds
  • Detailed section-by-section scoring
  • Clear visual results

3. Review results

Get a comprehensive report showing exactly which parts of your text may be AI-generated, with confidence scores for each section.

  • Highlighted AI sections
  • Percentage breakdown
  • Easy-to-understand results

AI Detector FAQs

As the #1 AI detector tool, DetectorBot achieves industry-leading accuracy through our proprietary machine learning models trained on millions of examples. While no detector is 100% accurate, our extensive training data from ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and other AI models ensures the highest possible accuracy.

DetectorBot stands out with its massive training dataset of millions of examples and ability to detect content from all major AI models. We provide detailed analysis with specific text highlighting and confidence scores, helping you understand exactly which parts of your text may be AI-generated.

Yes, DetectorBot is particularly powerful for educators. Our tool can identify AI-generated content in student submissions and detect AI-generated academic content. The detailed analysis shows exactly which sections may be AI-generated, making it easier to have constructive conversations with students.

Yes, DetectorBot is trained to identify content from all major AI sources including ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and other language models. Our models are continuously updated to detect new patterns and maintain high accuracy across different AI writing styles.

DetectorBot offers free AI detection capabilities. For unlimited scans and advanced features, you'll need to create an account on Atlas. This ensures we can maintain our high-quality service while providing valuable insights for all users.

Yes, DetectorBot's advanced algorithms can detect AI-generated content even when it's been edited or refined. Our extensive training helps us identify subtle patterns that persist even after human editing.

You can start scanning content immediately with DetectorBot. For unlimited scans and advanced features, you'll need to create a free account on Atlas, our parent platform.

Currently, DetectorBot works best with English text. We're actively expanding our capabilities to support more languages while maintaining our industry-leading accuracy levels.